

Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) is known for the quality of our courses, course materials, proprietary models and other learning programs, including how we create the context for learning. We are also known for the unique skills and expertise of our CTI-trained, front-of-the-room leaders and certification faculty (“Faculty”).

With over 20 years of experience in designing and delivering powerful experiential programs, CTI’s students and organizational clients have come to expect standards of excellence that are uniquely associated with CTI products and our Co-Active brand. CTI has invested many years in successfully building the Co-Active brand and its identifiable products and wants to partner with you in respecting that investment.

People who experience CTI’s content are often inspired and may wish share it with others. Although we understand these desires, CTI students, faculty, alumni and others must act as a partner in the Co-Active movement by only using the CTI content in a way that is permitted and intended by CTI; for this reason we have established these CTI Intellectual Property Guidelines.

CTI’s Intellectual Property (IP)


The Co-Active Model is the most widely used model in the coaching industry. Our scientifically based methodology provides a simple, intuitive framework for human interaction that creates profound results.

Learn more about Co-Active

What is CTI’s Intellectual Property?

Co-Active Training Institute’s (CTI) Intellectual Property includes but is not limited to:

  • Its trademarks (e.g. “CO-ACTIVE®”)
  • Copyrighted documents, videos, presentations, etc. (e.g. course timelines, manuals or “ELG’s,” the Co-Active models, etc.),
  • Confidential trade secrets, as well as “know-how” (e.g. the special way that CTI faculty are trained and deliver its courses).
  • The specific skills, principles, techniques, and exercises delivered throughout its courses as well as the specific way they are woven together. There are certain specific components within CTI courses that are not CTI’s Intellectual Property as stand-alone exercises or components, however the context in which they are delivered is CTI’s Intellectual Property. See section below, “Examples of CTI’s Intellectual Property,” for additional guidance.

In addition to establishing copyright protection on all materials produced by CTI, CTI has also obtained trademark protection in connection with many of its key products and services. Still other materials are considered proprietary trade secrets and are kept confidential by CTI.

CTI reserves all of its legal rights relating to all CTI content.

Being Co-Active vs. Sharing Co-Active

As an alumni of our courses or a Faculty member, you may feel as if Co-Active and CTI’s Intellectual Property is “in your bones” and very much a part of who you are and how you show up in the world. We love this and encourage it! You being Co-Active is not a misuse of CTI’s Intellectual Property. Also as one of our trained coaches or Faculty members, you are welcome to use our Intellectual Property in your one-on-one or team coaching of others. The distinction arises when/if you are training others to be a coach or training others in our content.

Contact us to discuss further if you have any questions.

Using Co-Active IP


The Co-Active Model is the most widely used model in the coaching industry. Our scientifically based methodology provides a simple, intuitive framework for human interaction that creates profound results.

Learn more about Co-Active

Use by the Public

Individuals or entities that have not paid for, have not participated in a CTI program/course, or otherwise obtained a license from CTI may not use CTI’s Intellectual Property in any way without the express written permission of an officer of CTI.

Regarding Co-Active books: CTI appreciates that anyone may read and learn individually from the Co-Active books. However, when the book is used as a teaching tool in a group setting, CTI requires that any teacher inform the group that he or she has not been trained by CTI, and is only giving their opinion of what the book says. Such teachers may only teach about the content of the book(s) and their opinions of it but may not purport to train students in how to be a Co-Active Coach. Also, such teachers are not allowed to brand any courses as Co-Active courses and students of such courses may not consider themselves, or otherwise purport to be, trained as a Co-Active Coach.

Use by Customers (Students, Graduates, Alumni)

People currently enrolled and have not yet graduated or received a certification from CTI (“Students”) may use graphics of the Co-Active branded models in an unpublished presentation to their clients, provided they use it in the whole, in an unaltered format and credit CTI with the following annotation:

© Copyright of Co-Active Training Institute (otherwise known as CTI). No reproduction, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without prior permission from CTI.

Students may not use the word Co-Active (or any variation of it) in the title of any entity or offering (e.g. training, book, community offering, social media group, etc.) – whether paid or for free – and must clearly state that the entity or offering is NOT sponsored Co-Active by CTI and not working in partnership with CTI.

Students wishing to refer to the Co-Active Model may do so only for illustrative purposes by sending a request for a copyright image to Any use of the Co-Active Model should appear with the same copyright annotation above, and at all times the word Co-Active must be used with its ‘registered trademark’ symbol as follows: Co-Active®. Students should provide a copy/reference of each such use in advance to and CTI reserves the right to review and deny the right to such use at CTI’s sole discretion.

All CTI Students and Graduates of the Co-Active programs have permission, and are encouraged, to use any and all of the principles and skills taught in the classroom to elevate their skills as a coach and/or leader (i.e. for use in their coaching practice or at work), including the use of the Co-Active Coaching and/or Leadership Models for illustrative purposes only, with proper citation to CTI as above. Students are not permitted to instruct their clients in how to be a Co-Active Coach, nor do any non-Faculty have permission to use the Timeline, the classroom exercises, or to reproduce any portion of course manuals without the express written consent of CTI. These elements are the sole property of CTI and any use of these elements without the express written consent of CTI will be considered a violation of CTI’s intellectual property rights. By “Timeline” we mean the unique design of the sequence of exercises within the program and how they are presented.

Affiliation and Logo Use Guidelines for Graduates

We understand that in the past, many of our students and alumni enjoyed proudly posting our logo to their websites and social media profiles, however, we are legally required to stop this practice. Below are revised affiliation and logo use guidelines:

Coach Training Graduates

In addition to all of the rights of Students, CTI students who have taken CTI’s coaching courses Fundamentals through Synergy (“Coaching Graduates”) may identify themselves in any marketing as a “Co-Active Coach.”

Graduates may not state they are official partners or affiliates of CTI, or that the CTI organization in anyway endorses their business.

Certification Graduates

Students who have completed all requirements of CTI Certification, including passing their written and oral exams and receiving notice from CTI that they have passed Certification, may identify themselves in any marketing as a “CPCC” or “Certified Professional Co-Active Coach.” Graduates may not state they are official partners or affiliates of CTI, or that the CTI organization in anyway endorses their business.

Certified Professional Co-Active Coaches (CPCCs) may also claim a CPCC digital badge for use on their website, social media accounts, email signature, and/or printed materials. Within a day of receiving your completion letter from CTI, you will receive an email from inviting you to claim your new CPCC badge.

Other Graduates

For graduates of other programs CTI is not providing any badge at this time.

Graduates may not state they are official partners or affiliates of CTI, or that the CTI organization in anyway endorses their business.


In addition to all of the rights of Graduates, current CTI Faculty members in good standing may identify themselves in all marketing as CTI Faculty, provided the registration mark is used and the usage is embedded with a weblink to their current faculty member biographical listing on Any such usage must be immediately taken down or removed once an individual is no longer an active faculty member as determined by CTI. Current CTI Faculty may also use the Timeline, the classroom exercises, and reproduce course manuals in connection with and for the period of conducting an approved course on behalf on CTI.

If a Faculty member wishes to deliver a CTI course within an organization, they must contact to discuss options through the Faculty Partnering Program. If a Faculty member is using CTI’s Intellectual Property when delivering to the Faculty member’s organizational clients without official approval from CTI, they are out of compliance with this policy.

Examples of Intellectual Property

This list of Intellectual Property is not exhaustive but is intended to provide several common examples to aid in your adherence to CTI’s Intellectual Property Guidelines.


All Co-Active models including the Basic Skills, Contexts, Cornerstones and Principles:

  • Co-Active Coaching Model
  • Co-Active Leadership Model
  • Co-Active Leadership Map
  • Co-Active Relationship Model


  • All timelines and manuals, a.k.a. Experience Learning Guides (“ELGs”)
  • Co-Active Fundamentals (also referred to as Fundamentals of Co-Active Coaching)
  • Co-Active Fulfillment
  • Co-Active Balance
  • Co-Active Process
  • Co-Active Synergy
  • Co-Active Coach Certification
  • Co-Active Leadership Program
  • Co-Active Leadership Experience (“CLE”)
  • Co-Active corporate or organizational courses (e.g. Internal Co-Active Coaching, Accelerated Internal Co-Active Coaching, Relationship Agility, Coaching Skills for Business Leaders (f/k/a Talent Champions), Co-Active customized courses, etc.)
  • Any other current or future CTI program

Exercises and Concepts

  • Levels of Listening (specifically the language, descriptions, examples, and context within coaching)
  • Designed Alliance (specifically the language, descriptions, examples, and context within coaching)
  • Powerful Questions
  • Saboteur
  • Captain and Crew (specifically the language, model, and context)
  • Balance Formula
  • 5 Dimensions of Leadership
  • Wheel of Life/ Wheel of Work (specifically the presentation, context within coaching, etc.)
  • 100/100 in relationship to Leader Beside
  • Sandbox
  • Coach the Client vs. the Topic
  • Peak Experience (specifically the way it’s used)
  • Intuition Exercise
  • Bottom Lining (specifically as an important coaching skill)
  • Co-leading style
  • Future Self Visualization
  • Being name tags
  • Acknowledgment and Metaphor line (specifically the course exercise)
  • Commitment line (specifically the way we do it)
  • Colors from Retreat 4 of Leadership Program
  • I AM Typing from Retreat 1 of Leadership
  • Alignment vs. Agreement from Retreat 2 of Leadership
  • The Fan Monitor Exercise from Retreat 3 of Leadership

Common Terms

There are several common terms or phrases used in CTI courses. Of course you have every right to use these terms, however the context in which CTI delivers these concepts is proprietary to CTI:


  • Purpose (specifically the way it’s presented and used in CTI courses)
  • Values (specifically the way it’s presented and used in CTI courses)
  • Visioning (specifically the way it’s presented and used in CTI courses)
  • Acknowledgment (specifically the way it’s presented and used in CTI courses)

IP Inquiries

Thank you for respecting our work and helping make Co-Active real in the world! CTI welcomes the opportunity to have a conversation with individuals who want to utilize it’s intellectual property in alignment with these guidelines.

All contents related to our programs is considered Intellectual Property (IP) of Co-Active Training Institute (CTI). Use of intellectual property outside of one-to-one sessions is prohibited without the specific written approval of CTI.

Contact us with questions, or to request written approval for use of specific IP.